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    Drevákové Šľapky Na Gumenej Podrážke KPU3 - Biela

Drevákové Šľapky Na Gumenej Podrážke KPU3 - Biela

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Použitie   Dámske drevákové šľapky na gumenej podrážke vhodné pre celodenné nosenie v zdravotníctve ale aj ako prezúvky do práce a na doma
Zvŕšok    Zdvojená prírodna koža s dvoma koženými pásikmi
Podrážka   Ortopedický tvarovaná horná polovica je z ľahkého lípového dreva a je podlepená spodnou tlmiacou gumou, ktorá je protišmyková a nefarbiaca
Výška   5 cm pri hrúbke podrážky 2,5 cm
Upnutie   Možnost regulácie dvoma koženými pásikmi s kovovými prackami vo veľkosti F až H
Šírka   Pre stredneširoké chodidla
Certifikát   CLPO - medicínska obuv, CE - Certifikát zhody
Veľkosti   35 - 42



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Size : 1200/35
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Medicínske dreváky - šľapky KPU3 sú vytvorené predovšetkým pre medicínske prostredie, ale svoje uplatnenie si nájdu aj v iných odvetviach. Vďaka gumenej podrážke sú vhodné aj do vlkého prostredia. Sú vyrobené z vysoko kvalitnej prírodnej kože pokrytej špeciálnym filmom, vďaka ktorému je starostlivosť o ich čistotu veľmi jednoduchá. Chodidlo prichádza do styku len s prírodnými materiálmi ako sú drevo a koža, čo zabezpečuje zdravotnú bezpečnosť pri ich nosení.

Obuv je svojim tvarovaním vhodná aj pre širšie chodidlá, ale pri určovní veľkosti treba postupovať podľa návodu na stránke, lebo veľkosti sa nezhodujú s klasickým číslovaním. Upnutie chodidla je vo veľkostnej škále F až H a je regulovateľné dvoma koženými pásikmi s prackami na narte a v oblasti nad prstami.

Spodná časť drevákov sa skladá z dvoch vrstiev. Horná polovica drevákov je vyrobená z lipového dreva, ktorého tvarovanie má zdravotné ale aj ortopedické vlastnosti a jeho anatomický tvar poskytuje nohám úľavu a nespôsobuje bolesť nôh ani pri celodennom nosení. Drevená časť je impregnovaná bezfarebným alebo čierným impregnátom, čo zabezpečuje odosnosť voči vlhkému prostrediu a umožňuje jednoduché čistenie a ošetrovanie obuvi.

Dolná časť podrážky je vyrobená zo syntetického materiálnu, tzv. PU, špeciálnej protišmykovej gumy, ktorá poskytuje podporu pri chôdzi bez ohľadu na typ podlahy. Podrážka tohto typu eliminuje hlučnosť pri chodení a tlmí nárazy. Gumené podrážky sú v bielej albebo čiernej farbe v závislosti od farby kože tak, aby vytvárali estetický dojem obuvi. Dreváky na gumenej podrážke sú oproti tradičným drevákom ľahšie, čo spríjemňuje nosenie počas celých dní.

Kvalitná obuv BUXA zaručuje nielen pohodlie počas mnohých hodín používania, ale hlavne je navrhnutá tak, aby zabránila deformácii chodidiel a pomáha udržiavať správne držanie tela.


Podrážka KPU 


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The use Work shoes for all-day wear in healthcare, kitchens, but also as slippers in various industries The top Double natural leather covered with a special film with perforation and sewn-in softening on the instep Inside The inside is lined with full-grain leather on an anatomically shaped sole with fine perforations for ventilation. Sole Krolling anti-slip polyurethane sole in white or black color with cushioning insert against shocks Height 4.5 cm heel with a sole thickness of 2 cm Clamping Without clamping and regulation in size G Width For medium and wide feet Certificate CLPO - medical footwear, CE - Certificate of Conformity Sizes  35 - 42 Speed and delivery options
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The use Work shoes for all-day wear in healthcare, kitchens, but also as slippers in various industries The top Double natural leather covered with a special film with perforation and sewn softening on the instep. Inside The inside is lined with full-grain leather on an anatomically shaped sole with fine perforations for ventilation. Sole Krolling anti-slip polyurethane sole in white or black color with cushioning insert against shocks Height 4.5 cm heel with a sole thickness of 2 cm Clamping Without the possibility of clamping and regulation in size G Width For medium and wide feet Certificate Certificate EN-20347, CE - Certificate of conformity Sizes 35 - 42 Speed and delivery options
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The use Work shoes for all-day wear in healthcare, kitchens, but also as slippers in various industries The top Double natural leather covered with a special film with perforation and sewn-in softening on the instep Bottom Folded, in the upper part from orthopedically shaped linden wood, and in the lower part from rubber Sole Quality anti-slip polyurethane sole that absorbs shocks and knocks Height 5 cm heel with a sole thickness of 2.5 cm Clamping Without clamping and regulation in size G Width For medium and wide feet Certificate CLPO - medical footwear, CE - Certificate of Conformity Sizes 35 - 46 Speed and delivery options
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The use Work shoes for all-day wear in healthcare, kitchens, but also as slippers in various industries The top Double natural leather covered with a special film without perforation and with sewn-in softening on the instep Bottom Folded, in the upper part from orthopedically shaped linden wood, and in the lower part from rubber Sole Quality anti-slip polyurethane sole that absorbs shocks and knocks Height 5 cm heel with a sole thickness of 2.5 cm Clamping Without clamping and regulation in size G Width For medium and wide feet Certificate CLPO - medical footwear, CE - Certificate of Conformity Sizes 35 - 46 Speed and delivery options
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The use Work shoes for all-day wear in healthcare, kitchens, but also as slippers in various industries The top Double natural leather covered with a special film without perforation and with sewn-in softening on the instep Bottom Folded, in the upper part from orthopedically shaped linden wood, and in the lower part from rubber Sole Quality anti-slip polyurethane sole that absorbs shocks and knocks Height 5 cm heel with a sole thickness of 2.5 cm Clamping Without clamping and regulation in size G Width For medium and wide feet Certificate CLPO - medical footwear, CE - Certificate of Conformity Sizes 35 - 46 Speed and delivery options

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The use Work shoes for all-day wear in healthcare, kitchens, but also as slippers in various industries The top Double natural leather covered with a special film with perforation and a leather strap with a buckle on the instep Inside The inside is lined with full-grain leather on an anatomically shaped sole with fine perforations for ventilation. Sole High-quality non-slip polyurethane sole in white or black color with shock-absorbing insole Height 4.5 cm heel with a sole thickness of 2 cm Clamping Leather strap with buckle in size G Width For medium and wide feet Certificate Certificate EN-20347, CE - Certificate of conformity Sizes 35 - 42 Speed and delivery options
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The use Work shoes for all-day wear in healthcare, kitchens, but also as slippers in various industries The top Double natural leather covered with a special film without perforation and with sewn-in softening on the instep Bottom Folded, in the upper part from orthopedically shaped linden wood, and in the lower part from rubber Sole Quality anti-slip polyurethane sole that absorbs shocks and knocks Height 5 cm heel with a sole thickness of 2.5 cm Clamping Without clamping and regulation in size G Width For medium and wide feet Certificate CLPO - medical footwear, CE - Certificate of Conformity Sizes 35 - 46 Speed and delivery options
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The use Work shoes for all-day wear in healthcare, kitchens, but also as slippers in various industries The top Double natural leather covered with a special film without perforation with sewn-in softening on the instep and an inserted plastic grid on the heel Bottom Folded, in the upper part from orthopedically shaped linden wood, and in the lower part from rubber Sole x;"> High-quality anti-slip polyurethane sole that absorbs shocks and knocks Height 5 cm heel with a sole thickness of 2.5 cm Clamping Without clamping and regulation in size G Width For medium and wide feet Certificate CLPO - medical footwear, CE - Certificate of Conformity> Sizes 35 - 46 Speed and delivery options

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The use Work shoes for all-day wear in healthcare, kitchens, but also as slippers in various industries The top Double natural leather covered with a special film with perforation and sewn softening on the instep. Inside The inside is lined with full-grain leather on an anatomically shaped sole with fine perforations for ventilation. Sole Krolling anti-slip polyurethane sole in white or black color with cushioning insert against shocks Height 4.5 cm heel with a sole thickness of 2 cm Clamping Without the possibility of clamping and regulation in size G Width For medium and wide feet Certificate Certificate EN-20347, CE - Certificate of conformity Sizes 35 - 42 Speed and delivery options
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The use Work shoes for all-day wear in healthcare, kitchens, but also as slippers in various industries The top Double natural leather covered with a special film without perforation and with sewn-in softening on the instep Bottom Folded, in the upper part from orthopedically shaped linden wood, and in the lower part from rubber Sole Quality anti-slip polyurethane sole that absorbs shocks and knocks Height 5 cm heel with a sole thickness of 2.5 cm Clamping Without clamping and regulation in size G Width For medium and wide feet Certificate CLPO - medical footwear, CE - Certificate of Conformity Sizes 35 - 46 Speed and delivery options
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The use Work shoes for all-day wear in healthcare, kitchens, but also as slippers in various industries The top Double natural leather covered with a special film without perforation with an inserted plastic grid on the heel Bottom Folded, in the upper part from orthopedically shaped linden wood, and in the lower part from rubber Sole Quality anti-slip polyurethane sole that absorbs shocks and knocks Height 5 cm heel with a sole thickness of 2.5 cm Clamping Without clamping and regulation in size G Width For medium and wide feet Certificate CLPO - medical footwear, CE - Certificate of Conformity Sizes  35 - 46 Speed and delivery options
Availability: Out of stock
The use Work shoes for all-day wear in healthcare, kitchens, but also as slippers in various industries The top Double natural leather covered with a special film without perforation and with sewn-in softening on the instep Bottom Folded, in the upper part from orthopedically shaped linden wood, and in the lower part from rubber Sole Quality anti-slip polyurethane sole that absorbs shocks and knocks Height 5 cm heel with a sole thickness of 2.5 cm Clamping Without clamping and regulation in size G Width For medium and wide feet Certificate CLPO - medical footwear, CE - Certificate of Conformity Sizes 35 - 46 Speed and delivery options
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Použitie   Dámske drevákové šľapky na gumenej podrážke vhodné pre celodenné nosenie v zdravotníctve ale aj ako prezúvky do práce a na doma
Zvŕšok    Zdvojená prírodna koža s dvoma koženými pásikmi
Podrážka   Ortopedický tvarovaná horná polovica je z ľahkého lípového dreva a je podlepená spodnou tlmiacou gumou, ktorá je protišmyková a nefarbiaca
Výška   5 cm pri hrúbke podrážky 2,5 cm
Upnutie   Možnost regulácie dvoma koženými pásikmi s kovovými prackami vo veľkosti F až H
Šírka   Pre stredneširoké chodidla
Certifikát   CLPO - medicínska obuv, CE - Certifikát zhody
Veľkosti   35 - 42



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